
Monday, 20 May 2013

CRM 2011: Increase the import file size, error The import file is too large to upload

By default, Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 has set maximum file size limit of 8MB for the data import.

If you are getting an error
"The import file is too large to upload" as shown in this screen shot.

You can increase this limit by updating this limit at the database level, please keep in mind that this is an unsupported change because Microsoft does not support/recommend any interaction at the database level for a CRM solution.

I would classify this as low risk unsupported change.

Run the following query on your database server to check the current file size limit, the value should be 8 (default value set by Microsoft).

Now, you can run the following query to increase the maximum file size allowed for data import to 32 MB.
You can set it more than 32 MB but be very careful because it may impact performance.

Once you have updated the value, reset IIS

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